Tuesday 28 February 2012


Im hoping that eventually my Rose pictures will create a time lapse similar to the following video.


Today I start my capturing of change using flowers. I have decided to show progression of change and time I will take a picture of a bunch of roses. I will take a picture in the morning and the evening everyday until the flowers are completely dead. I believe by doing this it will get across my idea and also have quite a cool effect. I decided to use roses to also be a part of my emotion idea. I have taken two photo of the roses, one with a flash and another without.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Troy Paiva

Troy Paiva is another great light artist, he photographs abandoned buildings and places. I love the 'feel' he creates in the picture, he makes what would be a plain picture extremely colourful and adds life to it.

Saturday 4 February 2012


I have been continuously thinking about video ideas.
I would like to film rain pouring down a window but with no background, for one of my transparent layers, as I feel it would look very effective and can represent many emotions.
I would also like to film a crowd of people walking towards me, for another of my transparent layers, I want to film this to represent the people you meet in life, time passing and movement.